Widget not passing variables to views

I can’t seem to get variables passed from a widget class to its view classes. I get the error:

Undefined variable: test

Here is the run function in the widget:

public function run()



		$this->render('application.extensions.widgets.Favorites.views._userview', array($this->dataProvider), array('test'=>$test));


This is div in the view:

<div id="test">

    	<?php echo $test; ?>


What is the problem?



i think at this line:

 $this->render('application.extensions.widgets.Favorites.views._userview', array($this->dataProvider), array('test'=>$test));

should be:

 $this->render('application.extensions.widgets.Favorites.views._userview',  array('test'=>$test,'dataprovider'=>$this->dataProvider));

public string render(string $view, array $data=NULL, boolean $return=false)