widget not found

Hi, I’m new using Yii 2 and the first time en install a widget.

I installed from here with composer and says that was installed

https: //github. com/kartik-v/yii2-widget-rating

on a .php file created in the folder view, I get this error

PHP Fatal Error – yii\base\ErrorException

Class 'kartik\widgets\StarRating' not found

If you have installed "kartik-v/yii2-widget-rating", then the namespace should be "kartik\rating" instead of "kartik\widgets".


i have another error now:

Class 'StarRating' not found

code complete


use kartik\rating;



echo StarRating::widget([

    'name' => 'rating_1',

    'pluginOptions' => ['disabled'=>true, 'showClear'=>false]



use kartik\rating\StarRating;

echo StarRating::widget([

    'name' => 'rating_1',

    'pluginOptions' => ['disabled'=>true, 'showClear'=>false]

