Why Or How Theme Carry To A Module?

Hi, my root pages worked for a theme choice in config/main.php

However, when I defined a module, the pages under the module restored to the default theme. I saw a reference from



Yii::app()->theme = ‘themename’;

in the module php (extends CWebModule) init() or beforeControllerAction, none of them work! Can anyone help me?

did you try to set the layout to theme layout in your module

in your module


public $layout = 'path.to.your.theme.layout';


It does not work for::

public $layout = ‘//themes/blackboot/views/layouts/main’;

public $layout = ‘//themes/blackboot/views/layouts/column1’;

public $layout = ‘//themes/blackboot/views/layouts/’;

public $layout = ‘/themes/blackboot/views/layouts/main’;

public $layout = ‘/themes/blackboot/views/layouts/column1’;

public $layout = ‘/themes/blackboot/views/layouts/’;

what else should I try?