Why is it so long time for Releasing YII3

is Yii3 is still in progress and comming soon or it’s stopped?!

why is it taking all this very huge time ?!

We Feel boring Waiting…!


It is not stopped. It is partially released. See How about progress on Yii3 development? | Yii PHP Framework


Hello Emad,

“We Feel boring Waiting…!”.
It’s understandable to be like this. To tell the truth, sometimes I feel that way too, but for the reason below:

“why is it taking all this very huge time?!”
I follow the development team and, believe me, there is a lot of work being done on yii3 and, at the same time, maintaining yii2. Also take into account the hard work to make the migration from yii2 to yii3 as easy as possible. I always say that “the lazy person works twice as hard, what was done poorly needs to be redone”.
The team behind it is small and has few resources, but the staff is very hard-working and has a long-range vision, so they strive to do a good job now so as not to have to redo it later. Personally, I see it as being worth the wait.

“is Yii3 is still in progress and coming soon or is it stopped?!”
If you follow along on github you will see for yourself that Yii is progressing day by day. And YES, I believe it will be released soon.

You must have some skill that would be useful in the project. Think about it. Maybe you can contribute something?


Please consider my words with respect and with the aim of being constructive as i’m a big fan of YII2 and i appreciate it a lot.

Imho, the problem with this big delay (in terms of years) has (or may have) negative implications, not positive.

Just as an example, extensions creators, code supporters etc may think that this took too long and that it’s time to move to another thing.

Something similar may happen to a big part of the community.

I think that the goals when planning yii 3 were too big and many things should have been left for yii4 (more if the team is small). By now we would have yii3 (+ an active community) while v4 could be on the way.

The community is an asset, as the product is. And i’m not only counting the forum users, but also but the promoters, educators (udemy, youtube etc), code contributors, agencies / companies using it etc. By the way, i miss some educators like “thecodeholic” (youtube), who did tons of videos about YII (YouTube clone bootcamp etc) and now seems to have moved to another framework (which i don’t mention to not fall into comparisons - is not the focus of this post).

I think that v3 could have a high cost for the project (if it hurts the community, it may hurt the project too) and hope that this constructive feedback helps to minimize them / revert a couple of things.

Another thing: I’ve seen some Yii3 tutorials and don’t know if i was wrong or i went to the wrong places but things looked more difficult than before (and i’ve seen some comments from other users that express the same).

At a glance, v3 didn’t look like “the YII way” of doing things and many of us need a framework that simplifies more things, taking the YII flags to the next level (more GII features, more out-of-the-box features for auth and so on). I’ve just found difficult to understand things (while my life was easier in YII2).

At this point i ask myself: what may happen if YII3 gets released today (in terms of community adoption)?

I ask this to myself as this release has been announced for a long long time and many (like the creator of this post) got that “tired of waiting” feeling while others (like me), just see that things are becoming more difficult with v3.

Which are the major reasons for a move for a YII2 user? Which for a newcomer? Which is the cost of moving to Yii 3? And the Benefits? Is it worth it?

If it’s not, that may be a problem (or many) as without some good incentives for V3, it could also have an impact in the community (less extension development, code contribution, promotion & education, company adoption and so on) and many users may be stuck with YII2 (which may force a move to something else as it’s not the ideal scenario).

Just wanted to add my 2 cents which may partially help (or not) for future releases.

All the Best,



I go to the website almost every week to see the development of YIi. At present, the main focus of the team is to make yii2.2, Yii3 and yii2.2 compatible with the underlying library of yii3 based on Yii2, compatible with expansion, and then share the library with Yii2.2 and yii3. This idea is good, and it can also lay a foundation for upgrading Yii3 in the future.
But there are also problems.
The double version takes a long time. Although Yii2.2 is a part of the library that uses yii3, it also takes time to reconstruct the business code when upgrading to the higher version of Yii3 and PHP8. Therefore, I would rather go directly to Yii3 and embrace the framework of the new concept, rather than toss the yii2 project to yii2.2, unless Yii2.2 has a qualitative leap in performance.

But the period of yii3 is really long.


I completely agree with you, Diego. I will miss the ease of yii2 in yii3 and even if everyone switches to laravel.


I also totally agree. I myself moved to Laravel. We have a few big projects on Yii in my company that we still support, but for new projects, I, as CTO, chose Laravel because I think that Yii3 is in the wrong way. The PHP community needs an easy tool to work with, which was Yii2, both easy and powerful. The Yii team made one of the biggest mistakes—breaking backward compatibility; it looks like now they understand it. Unfortunately, when I checked Yii3, I found it does not deliver any significant improvements over Yii2 in terms of code or coding efficiency, just some virtually “good architecture.” which does not provide much value.

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Good summary. Sad but true. Despite everything, I hope YII has the resurgence it deserves based on the achievements of version 2. It deserves it.

I am interested to hear the reasoning why you chose Laravel? Why not just stick with Yii2 for the time being?

What do you like about Laravel? What do you like about Yii2?

@Diego_Ignacio I definitely agree with your points. I have tried other frameworks but I am most effective in Yii2. I honestly haven’t tried Yii3 yet and probably could for some features… it is just a lot faster for me to develop in Yii2.

I hope to be a more active member of the Yii community and contribute back. A lot of open source projects need more input from people with dissenting opinions. Over the past 20 years of software development the biggest lesson I have learned is that going slow is fast. Sometimes going fast is great… but with software development going fast is just scratching an itch.

I would love to hear from you what else you are missing from Yii or the community? You mentioned some already such as educators, promoters, code contributors, etc… which are all valid. I am choosing to participate as an educator, code contributor, and community member. This is necessary whether we are using Laravel, Symfony, Yii, or something else.

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“Released 105/115 packages” stuck for a very long time

Yes. Some quite important packages are in the works.

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Hi Chris,

Sorry for the late reply but i’m no longer using YII. Most of the reasons are public and from my personal point of view, it’s time for me to move to something else.

All the Best,


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