Why combobox is displayed this way?


I placed in a form the following instruction:

<?php echo EHtml::activeDropDownList($model, 'orden', $model->getOrderList())?>

with getOrderList() implemented as follows:

    public function getOrderList()


    	$db = Yii::app()->getDb();

    	$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT orden AS value, CONCAT(orden, " - (", nombre, ")") AS text

    	                               FROM ' . $this->tableName() . '

    	                               ORDER BY orden');

    	$rows = $command->queryAll();	


    	$ultimo = 0;

    	$listaOrdenes = array();

    	$listaOrdenes[] = array('0'=>'0 - Primera');

    	for ($i=0, $n=count( $rows ); $i < $n; $i++)


    		$ultimo = $rows[$i]['value'] + 1;

    		$listaOrdenes[] = array($rows[$i]['value']=>$rows[$i]['text']);


    	$listaOrdenes[] = array($ultimo=>$ultimo . ' - Ultima');

    	return $listaOrdenes;


Why the combobox is shown as in the attached image?



Thanks a lot in advance


    public function getOrderList()


        $db = Yii::app()->getDb();

        $command = $db->createCommand('SELECT orden AS value, CONCAT(orden, " - (", nombre, ")") AS text

                                       FROM ' . $this->tableName() . '

                                       ORDER BY orden');

        $rows = $command->queryAll();   


        $ultimo = 0;

        $listaOrdenes = array();

        $listaOrdenes[] = array('0'=>'0 - Primera');

        for ($i=0, $n=count( $rows ); $i < $n; $i++)


                $ultimo = $rows[$i]['value'] + 1;

                $listaOrdenes[$rows[$i]['value']] = $rows[$i]['text'];


        $listaOrdenes[] = array($ultimo=>$ultimo . ' - Ultima');

        return $listaOrdenes;


Thanks !! :rolleyes: