Why ajax change page in Listview with Pjax not working properly

I used listview with pjax block and this is my view page:

div class="main-video">
    <div id="data">
        $model = new ActiveDataProvider([
            'query' => FileInfos::find()->where(['type' => 2])->orderBy(['id'=>SORT_DESC]),
            'pagination' => [
                'pageSize' => 15,
            'id'=> 'id-pjax',
            'enablePushState' => false, // to disable push state
            'enableReplaceState' => false, // to disable replace state,
            'timeout'=> 999999999
            echo ListView::widget([
                'dataProvider' => $model,
                'itemView' => '/partials/_item',
                'viewParams' => ['typeName' => 'video'],

    <button id="btn-show">نمایش</button>

And this is my action controller code:

public function actionVideo()
    return $this->render('video');

After click on next page, it’s reload on entire page.
in network tab of inspect element, I see two request calls:
1 - video?page=2&per-page=15&_pjax=%23id-pjax
2 - video?page=2&per-page=15

First request no have any response and second request have the rendered view page which reloads to that.
Whats wrong in my code?
How can I fix this issue for have ajax request call for changing page?

This article helped me: https://riptutorial.com/yii2/example/16529/how-to-use-pjax,
So it solved by changing pjax begin block with this code:

        'id'=> 'id-pjax-'.uniqid(),
        'enablePushState' => false, // to disable push state
        'enableReplaceState' => false, // to disable replace state,
        'timeout'=> 999999999,
        'clientOptions' => ['method' => 'POST']