Let’s evaluate the poll results:
So far, 169 people have viewed the poll, but only 6 have voted. Why have so few people voted? Probably because not many forum members are beginners. In other words, most forum members have not voted because they are already intermediate or advanced users who have no use for introductory videos and books, and so the poll is irrelevant to them. This is not good news. If there are not many beginners, then the Yii2 community is not growing very much.
Of those who did vote, most agreed that, “It’s important to attract new users to Yii2, to make it a widely-used standard”. Obviously, if Yii2 is not attracting new users, then it is in danger of gradually becoming insignificant. Face it, there is, or will soon be, plenty of competition from Symfony 3, Zend 3, Cakephp 3, CodeIgniter 3, and of course that other one that starts with an L. But it’s not just a matter of which framework is “the best”. Also vitally important is whether Yii2 seems easy to learn.
What can be done? According to the poll results, "New users will adopt Yii2 only if they believe they can learn it fairly quickly and easily". Therefore, again according to the poll results:
[*]"The documentation should provide examples to show how each item can be used."
[*]"The documentation should allow user comments, the way that php.net does."
[*]"There should be links to more Yii2 learning resources, such as videos and books." This will make Yii2 seem easier to learn. But in addition, publicly recognizing the work of Yii2 authors and video producers will encourage more such contributions.
[*]"Any missing sections in The Definitive Guide to Yii 2 should be completed."
[*]There should be links to any IDEs that offer Yii2 code completion – if and when they become available. Code Lobster perhaps?
One last thing. I’m puzzled that only 2 respondents agreed that “Yii2 has the best framework concept”. It would be helpful if someone could suggest what specific improvements should be made to the framework itself. Anyone care to comment?