when to use cActiveDataProvider

This might be obvious to some people but im a bit lost here :blink:

Whats the guidelines here when are you supposed to use a CActiveDataProvider.

is it only when using like a cgridview etc ?

Im not sure I totally understand the dataprovider is there any extended documentation about this "feature"

Also it would make more sense to just a add a list of object to the view whats the benefit of the dataprovider ?

i want to know too~

CGridView, CListView, and related widgets require it. The combination of CActiveDataProvider and the widget makes sorting and pagination easy. Maybe there’s more to it than that; I don’t know.

Here is a data provider that takes an array of CActiveRecords in the config:

class CArrayDataProvider extends CDataProvider {

	public $dataArray;

	public $modelClass;


	public function __construct($confModelClass, $config)


		$config = new CConfiguration($config);





	protected function fetchData() {









		return array_slice($this->dataArray, $startIndex, $length, true);



	protected function fetchKeys() {

		return array_keys($this->getData());



	protected function calculateTotalItemCount() {

		return count($this->dataArray);



Usage for example:

$dataProvider=new CArrayDataProvider('Producer', array(






$this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(




thanks Elias !!

SOLVED http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7678-zii-for-non-active-records/

Hi there.

I have a problem:

There is 2 arrays, first for the column names (example):

$names['closed'] = 'Done';

$names['active'] = 'In progress';

and array of values:

$values['Type1']['closed'] = 35;

$values['Type1']['active'] = 23;

$values['Type2']['closed'] = 55;

$values['Type2']['active'] = 575;

$values['Type3']['closed'] = 44;

$values['Type4']['active'] = 325;

I need to show it in CGridView like this:

     |In Progress|Done

Type1|    23     |  35

Type2|    575    |  55

Type3|    0      |  44

Type4|    325    |  0

Is it possible?