What is the best file structure for advanced template?


I am having my code well running in basic template. But to keep the admin side exclusively to the backend, I made use of the advanced template. the File structure is as follows.









--(files) Licence.MD etc






		--index.php (for backend)




	--index.php (for frontend)


The frontend can be accessed by http://mysite.com and backend with http://mysite.com/admin. Running on Nginx server.

Now, the problem is that standalone actions like ‘captcha’ and ‘error’ is not working in the backend controller. In the frontend, they are working well.

Also, the ‘enablePrettyUrl’ in the ‘UrlManager’ application component is NOT working in the backend, whereas it is not having any problem in frontend.

Now, I have a feeling that I am not using the advanced template as it is intended to be. Is it a problem with my file structure? Do I have to go back to basic template and manage the admin functions in a separate controller rather than frontend and backend?

Closed. My concept of nginx configuration was wrong.

The below links helped.

