Weirdest Problem With Curl And Model Assignment

After spending over 12 hours on why cURL is failing, I have narrowed it down to a scenario that works and that which fails.


	if (isset($_POST['StudentProfile'])) {


	    $model->attributes = $_POST['StudentProfile'];


	if (isset($_POST['StudentProfile'])) {

	    $model->attributes = $_POST['StudentProfile'];


To make things more challenging, the problem only occurs on Hostgator server. It works fine on my Ubuntu 12.04 and GoDaddy.

What could possible be there in

$model->attributes = $_POST[‘StudentProfile’];

that makes curl fail.

Curl fails with security error.

Curl code:77 error: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)

The problem is caused by


For now I am just going to remove this check.

The cause might be because of an older version of imagick extension on Hostgator.

Hostgator : 3.0.1

GoDaddy : 3.1.0RC2

Thanks for posting the fix for this Xavier. This worked out well for me last week getting this same issue.