video chat in browser


i am a newbie in yii framework. just had a quick video tutorials and got very basic idea and am impressed by its simplicity.

i am planning to develop a new project which is video group chatting through web browser from remote locations. would like to know support of audio/ video in yii. is there already some plugin/ app available.?

more what i want to know is how robust is yii to support this kind of development because i think in this kind of video chat i need to access a computer’s webcam as well.

haven’t done anything like this in past so need guidance

thanks in advance.


it does not matter to yii , may be you should use flash or activex tech . if use pure html maybe you should use comet (google it) but this can only do the chat(no video only text chat ), the flash is better choice

you can check this dolphin has a chat module which is what you find


I will check all these details.

What is the best way to learn Yii Widgets & Ajax ?


Yii Playground, Which is good place to learn Yii Widgets & Ajax

Also this one:

bsourcecode is very good place to see Yii demo