Hi all,
I was wondering how to use the application layout inside a module
I have a Search module, but I want to render the views using an application layout not a module layout.
Ive tried setting the Layout path of the module to point to the application layouts folder:
but im having trouble when rendering partials in that layout like this:
<?php $this->renderPartial('/partials/general/_top'); ?>
<?php $this->renderPartial('/layouts/partials/general/_footer'); ?>
which remain in a subfolder in the application layouts directory.
Ive also tried to use (with no luck):
<?php $this->renderPartial($this->getModule()->getLayoutPath().'/partials/general/_footer'); ?>
I also thing that if it works in the module it will break normal application views using this layout
Any ideas on a good aproach to this? =0]