Use Ajaxlink In Cgridview


I need to use ajaxlink this my code

 ////////////// Serach for users 

 $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(














   	'value'=> "CHtml::ajaxLink('clickMe', array('add',array('event_id'=>$event_id,'user_id'=>\$data->user_id)), array('success'=>'allFine'))",


    	'type'  => 'raw',






But link had no url ?

How to fix it ?

Dear Friend

Kindly check the following is helpful.

value'=> 'CHtml::ajaxLink("clickMe", array("add",array("event_id"=>"'.$event_id.'","user_id"=>$data->user_id)),  array(

"success"=>"js:function(data) {console.log(data)}",



Thanks seenivasan , but same result No url ?! :-[

in href the value is


Dear Friend

I am sorry I misunderstood your requirement.

I thought You are finding difficulty in assigning url for ajax response.

CHtml::ajaxLink will not add any url to href attribute.

It assigns only "#".

It triggers ajax response by click event.

Then we have to add the href attribute to htmloptions.

value'=> 'CHtml::ajaxLink("clickMe", array("add",array("event_id"=>"'.$event_id.'","user_id"=>$data->user_id)),  array(

"success"=>"js:function(data) {console.log(data)}",




my bro , it’s return error

[b]Parse error[/b]:  syntax error, unexpected 'array' (T_ARRAY) in [b]H:\xampp\htdocs\yii\framework\base\CComponent.php(607) : eval()'d code[/b] on line [b]4[/b]

Just I simulated the scenario in my localhost .I t is working fine.






	"success"=>"js:function(data) {console.log(\"ok\")}"







Just take note of single and double quotes.

Thanks , Work :)