Urlrule not working with module

I have searched through a lot of articles, Stackoverflow and more, but no solution helped me.

I have created a Module, which one, i install through composer and a private Repository.
Everything works, but now i want to overwrite the rules, for a better usability.

It’s a Yii2 Advanced template ,<vendor> is a masked Vendorname

Url I liked to use:



        'urlManager' => [
                'enablePrettyUrl' => true,
                'showScriptName' => false,
                'rules' => [],



namespace <vendor>\ispman\customer;

use yii\base\Module as BaseModule;
use Yii;

class Module extends BaseModule
    const VERSION = '0.1';

    /** @var array Model map */
    public $modelMap = [];

        public $urlPrefix = 'ispman';

    /** @var array The rules to be used in URL management. */
        public $urlRules = [
                'customer/update/<id:\d+>' => 'ispman-customer/customer/update',

        public function init(){


class Bootstrap implements BootstrapInterface
    public function bootstrap($app)
                /** @var Module $module */
                if ($app->hasModule('ispman-customer') && ($module = $app->getModule('ispman-customer')) instanceof Module) {
                        if ($app instanceof ConsoleApplication) {

                                $configUrlRule = [
                                        'prefix' => 'ispman',
                                        'rules' => $module->urlRules,

                                if ($module->urlPrefix != 'ispman') {
                                        $configUrlRule['routePrefix'] = '';
                                $rules = new GroupUrlRule($configUrlRule);

            if (!isset($app->get('i18n')->translations['ispman*'])) {
                  $app->get('i18n')->translations['ispman*'] = [
                      'class' => PhpMessageSource::className(),
                      'basePath' => __DIR__ . '/messages',
                      'sourceLanguage' => 'en-US'


Remove from Urlprefix also don’t help, hope someone could help .

Thanks in advance