Urlmanager Isn't Working

Hey guys,

Look, this is my config

this is .htaccess


RewriteEngine on

if a directory or a file exists, use it directly

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

otherwise forward it to index.php

RewriteRule . index.php




return array


'name' =&gt; 'Project name',

'components' =&gt; array


    'errorHandler' =&gt; array('errorAction'=&gt;'site/error'),

    'request' =&gt; array('enableCsrfValidation'=&gt;true),

    'urlManager' =&gt; array


        'urlFormat' =&gt; 'path',

        'showScriptName' =&gt; false,

        'rules' =&gt; array('index.html' =&gt; 'site/index','register.html' =&gt; 'user/register')



'import' =&gt; array








this is my controller



class SiteController extends Controller


public function actionIndex()



        CHtml::link('Register', 'register.html')



public function actionError()


    if(false &#33;== (&#036;error =  Yii::app()-&gt;errorHandler-&gt;error ))








if I enter to register.html, it will use action site/index and no user/register

if I enter to asdadas.html for example it still use action site/index and no site/error

How do I fix it?

thansk ;)

Your rules looks really weird!

What are you trying to accomplish?

Your index action also looks goofy…

[size=2]Now, put back the original URL manager configuration, please.[/size]

And then set the urlSuffix property to ‘html’ - and that’s it.


this is the new config,

but still, i can’t find the problem…

how do i fix it?


return array


    'name' => 'Project name',


    'components' => array(

        'errorHandler' => array('errorAction'=>'site/error'),

        'request' => array('enableCsrfValidation'=>true),

        'urlManager' => array(

            'urlFormat' => 'path',

            'rules' => array(

                'register.html' => 'user/register'





    'import' => array(






I don’t know what prevents you from reading the documentation that I so kindly linked to? ;)




            'showScriptName' => false,

            'urlSuffix' => 'html',


                '<action:(login|logout)>' => 'user/<action>',



