Url Rewrite (Translate)


Currently I have the following Url rewriting scheme:


'<view:(home|about|offer|toknow|delivery|contacts)>' => '/site/page', // /site/page?view=about -> /about                

Above code is for static pages.

However, I want another thing, because my website is in another language. And I need to change every static page name to local name.

For example, I want "contacts" to be "kontakti".

So, I want www.example.com/kontakti to work the same as www.example.com/contacts works now.

If possible, explicitly define url rules for each of the translation.

Dear Renathy

Kindly check whether the following is helpful.

Create a bahavior and put inside the components folder.



class applicationBehavior extends CBehavior

{	private $_owner;

	public function events() 


              return  array(





	public function addRule()







			'<view:(home|about|offer|toknow|delivery|contacts)>' => '/site/page',







			'<view:(home|about|offer|toknow|delivery|kontakti)>' => '/site/page',





Attach this behavior as a property to main configuration file.








This wiki article may be useful.