Url parameters as action parameters

When you have a parameter in an action indise a controller, let's say

when you call that action and pass a url (GET) parameter named id, does this parameter act as the action parameter? I thought so, but after trying this, I got an exception

[tt]Missing argument 1 for SiteController::actionList()[/tt]

which means that the url parameter does not act as the action parameter. Am I doing something wrong, have I missed something?

No, it's not. You will need to use $_GET or Yii::app()->request->getParam() to access a named variable.


No, it's not. You will need to use $_GET or Yii::app()->request->getParam() to access a named variable.

OK. Is there a difference between $_GET and Yii::app()->request->getParam()? Should I use one or the other, or it's just a matter of personal taste?

They're the same. The latter is good because you can specify default values: