url management

Hey Yii buddies

I am stuck in url management :

I want to create a url like

mydomain/foldername/imagename in my link

how can i do that because every url in CHtml::link makes ndex.php?r=controller/action

url manager in the

2)can i use UrlManager in it…I am using url manager in components




            '<controller:(group)>/<action:(thumb_)>' => '<controller>/<action>',



I am just handling the url managemenet in controller group for action thumb_ but it got applied for all the urls in the applicatio…can u explain why??????????????

Please help

can anyone help me out

CHtml::link() action doesn’t use UrlManager. You need to use Yii::app()->createUrl() function to generate your urls.





‘<controller:(group)>/<action:(thumb_)>’ => ‘<controller>/<action>’,



you should add:



[color="#FF0000"]‘showScriptName’=>false, [/color]


‘<controller:(group)>/<action:(thumb_)>’ => ‘<controller>/<action>’,

