Url Change

am working with a website developed using yii… am not familiar with yii codes and all.

all i need is to change the index url to another url.

here am pasting the url of website: //htp://ww.memefoster.com/meme/

i want to change the index of this website to //htp://ww.memefoster.com/index.html

please help me with the code.

i have already tried the main.php code altered from

//*return array(

'basePath' => dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..',

'name' => MEME_APP_NAME,

'defaultController' => 'site/index',*//


//*return array(

'basePath' => dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..',

'name' => MEME_APP_NAME,

'defaultController' => './index',*//

this returns the error:- Unable to resolve the request "./index".

pls help to get the correct path.

which version of Yii is used?