Hi all,
I would like to upload a create my yii framework project on free web host like “byehost”. At my localhost i use virtual host:“http: //www. code . com” to run and my homepage is displayed. But when i upload a my project on web host, my homepage cannot to display. Like normal index.php and yii’s requirements it displays. This means while uploading i am doing something wrong.
My sequence:
I compress all the files and folders of project into a zip file, and upload it to my online webserver, then unzip.
Test on fireFox with http: // longdhb . byethost15 .com.
I tried to many ways, like:
1>delete some folder and : "assets , commands, runtime, tests,yiic" and tried to upload, but it does not work.
2>create a ‘test’ folder on web host and upload to it -> not work.
What is exactly the directory structure while uploading the yii framework project? i would like to know sequence uploading method.
PLz help me!