Hi all,
I am new to yii, and unfortunately stuck on file handling. i want to upload files, a form has array of filefields and unable to get its value in controller.
for example in form there is array of filefield. e.g
echo CHtml::fileField(‘docFile[]’,’’);
echo CHtml::fileField(‘docFile[]’,’’);
echo CHtml::fileField(‘docFile[]’,’’);
(let say three times, docFile is not related to any model)
the form has ‘htmlOptions’ => array(‘enctype’ => ‘multipart/form-data’
Please let me know what code will be to upload and update database in controller file.
Here is my code
foreach ($_POST['docType'] as $cp ) {
$c_document = new CaseDocument;
$c_document->docTitle = $_POST['docName'][$i];
$rnd = rand(0,9999);
$fileName = "{$rnd}-{$uploadedFile}"; // random number + file name
$c_document->fileName = $fileName;
i am also getting erro ‘undefine index’ for $_POST[‘docFile’][$i]. please help me with complete example code of _form and controller actionCreate method.