Upload a file with xheditor


I want to upload a file using the xheditor, so i added this in the view:

<?php  $this->widget('application.extensions.xheditor.JXHEditor', array(






        'tools'=>'simple', // mini, simple, full or from XHeditor::$_tools




	'upImgUrl'=> 'create' // the action name in the controller

            //see XHeditor::$_configurableAttributes for more


    	'htmlOptions'=>array('cols'=>80,'rows'=>20,'style'=>'width: 100%; height: 200px;'),



In my controller i have this:

$model=new Item;










        $this->render('create', array('model'=>$model));

in the model

public $image;

	public function rules()


		return array(

			array('image','file','types'=>'jpg, gif, png'),



but i have this following error: [color="#FF0000"]create upload interface error, return error[/color]: // blank

Do you have an idea how can i solve this problem?


No one can help me with this ?? :blink:

I’m new to using xhEditor, but I will hazard a guess as to one part of your problem. The parameter:

   	'upImgUrl'=&gt; 'create'

This parameter requires a URL, so perhaps you’ll need something like:

'upImgUrl'=&gt; &#036;this-&gt;createUrl('create')

best wishes,



i am also having same problem

if any one can help me to solve this issue

		<?php  $this->widget('application.extensions.xheditor.JXHEditor', array(






        'tools'=>'simple', // mini, simple, full or from XHeditor::$_tools




        'upImgUrl'=> $this->createUrl('/content/upload') // the action name in the controller

            //see XHeditor::$_configurableAttributes for more


        'htmlOptions'=>array('cols'=>80,'rows'=>20,'style'=>'width: 100%; height: 200px;'),




Controller should return JSON message. Change

$this->render('create', array('model'=>$model));


echo json_encode(array('err'=>'','msg'=>'url to uploaded file'));