Upgrade From Yii 1.1.8 To 1.1.13

I am trying to upgrade my current Yii version 1.1.8 to 1.1.13. I downloaded the 1.1.13 version and am following the port instructions.

  • Made a backup.

  • Cleaned up my ‘assets’ folder.

  • Replaced ‘framework’ dir with the new one.

None of the method changes described in the porting instructions affect my code, and therefore there is no need to make additional changes. However when I output Yii::getVersion() it still shows version 1.1.8. I restarted the webserver but still have the same.

Have I missed something here??

delete the framework dir and reupload, happened to me once

Maybe also clean APC cache if you use it (or any other opcode cache).

And clear the assets dir! For everything else, there are always the upgrade instructions.

Thanks guys for the help. I had the framework directory in two places, and it turned out that I had simply replaced the wrong one.