Update Another Model Yii

i have 4 data table

1.comment table

2.driver detail table

TABLE comments (

CommentId int(11),

UserId int(11) ,

Comment text,

Rating int(1),

PRIMARY KEY (CommentId),


TABLE driverdetails (

DriverDetailId int(11),

UserId int(11) NOT NULL,

AvarageRating double NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (DriverDetailId),

KEY UserId (UserId)


[color="#FF0000"]IMP i removed some data feild to get easy to undestand what i explain[/color]

What i need to do is

when user update comment i need to update AvarageRating feild in driverdetails table

i using rating algorithm to calculate AvarageRating please dont mine that simply

whan user update  rating as 4 ---> i need to update drierdetail table ---> AvarageRating 

i want to da this actionUpdate not a action create

this is my action update


public function actionUpdate($id)



	// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed

	// $this->performAjaxValidation($model);












public function loadModel($id)




		throw new CHttpException(404,'The requested page does not exist.');

	return $model;


public function actionUpdate($id)



            $driver = Driverdetails::model()->findByAttributes(array('UserId'=>$model->DriverId));

	// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed

	// $this->performAjaxValidation($model);

             // $driver = Driverdetails::model()->findByAttributes(array('UserId'=>$model->DriverId));


                  //  $drier->AvarageRating=2;









		if($model->save() && $driver->save())





