Unwanted Characters appears on the url when changing the language

Hi all,

i am a bit new at yii, so i need help with some issue i am facing , i am working on awebsite with 2 languages arabic and english the issue comes when a user try to change the language of the web site, "?en?q=ar" "en/pricing/q/ar%2Fpricing" which might cause some issue to the user upon surfing the web site, the issue dosent appear on my localhost, but it appear when i uploaded my site to testing server.

my language selector widget


<div id="language-select">


    if(sizeof($languages) < 4) {

        // Render options as links

        $lastElement = end($languages);

        foreach($languages as $key=>$lang) {

            if($key != $currentLang) {

                echo CHtml::link(



            } else echo '<a >'.$lang.'</a>';

            if($lang != $lastElement) echo "<hr style='margin:5px auto' />" ;



    else {

        // Render options as dropDownList

        echo CHtml::form();

        foreach($languages as $key=>$lang) {

            echo CHtml::hiddenField(




        echo CHtml::dropDownList('language', $currentLang, $languages,





        echo CHtml::endForm();






class UrlManager extends CUrlManager


    public function createUrl($route,$params=array(),$ampersand='&')


        if (!isset($params['language'])) {

            if (Yii::app()->user->hasState('language'))

                Yii::app()->language = Yii::app()->user->getState('language');

            else if(isset(Yii::app()->request->cookies['language']))

                Yii::app()->language = Yii::app()->request->cookies['language']->value;



        return parent::createUrl($route, $params, $ampersand);





public function createMultilanguageReturnUrl($lang='en'){

    if (count($_GET)>0){

        $arr = $_GET;

        $arr['language']= $lang;



        $arr = array('language'=>$lang);

    return $this->createUrl('', $arr);


also i have followed this article


[color="#006400"]/* Moved from "2.0" to "1.1" */[/color]

It seems to me to be a problem with your urlManager’s rules.

What do you have for the rules?

solved the issue by updating the create multilanguageurl method

public function createMultilanguageReturnUrl($lang='en'){

    if (count($_GET)>0){

        $arr = $_GET;

        $arr['language']= $lang;



        $arr = $this->createUrl(Yii::app()->controller->id . '/' . Yii::app()->controller->action->id,array('language'=>$lang));

    return $this->createUrl('', $arr);
