Unknown Property Exception

I am getting the following error after upgrading to 2.0.6 today. Everything was working fine prior to the update.

"Setting unknown property: yii\web\View::subtitle"

I am using the following in my layout:

<?= $this->title?> <small><?= $this->subTitle?></small>

I set the following in my view:

$this->title = ‘Dashboard’;

$this->subTitle = ‘Stats’;

When I remove ><?= $this->subTitle?> this from my layout, everything loads correctly.

Which previous version were you using of yii???

And what is subTitle is it property of yii view or your database property?

I updated from 2.0.5.

subtitle is a property of the view. Used to set the subtitle of the view, just as the title sets the title.

Can you post your action code and view code here please

and i could not find any property like subtitle of view

I was able to fix this by adding the subtitle property to the view. Not sure why it worked before the update.