Unit tests without having to depend on the database

I have read in posts and books that unit testing totally “pure” should not depend on the database.

I did the following test for a method that depends on the data in the database, and I would like to know if this is the best way.

I’m using codeception and Yii2.

class Play extends ActiveRecord

    /** Hidden code */

    public function calculateTotalScore()
        $totalScore = 0;
        foreach ($this->rounds as $round) {
            $totalScore += $round->score;
        return $totalScore;

    * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
    public function getRounds()
        return $this->hasOne(Round::class, ['play_id' => 'id']);

class PlayTest extends \Codeception\Test\Unit
    public function testCalculateTotalScore()
        $round = $this->make(Round::class, ['score' => 6]);
        $play = $this->make(Play::class, [
            'getRounds' => [$round, $round, $round],
        $this->assertEquals(18, $play->calculateTotalScore());

Is the test I implemented a good way?

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Yes I think this is a good way. One thing though is that it seams your getRounds() functions might need to be hasMany no?

I say this because your test is asserting many rounds returned as an array.

I would also test that totalScore is 0 if no rounds are returned.

They also talk about mocking activeRecord here: How to mock ActiveRecord

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You are right, this is a fictional code that I created to simulate this case, and I ended up commenting on this error.
Thank you for the link.

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