Undefined Offset: 0

hello friend…

i have found an error…

Undefined offset: 0

here is my code.

    public function actionIndex()


	$model = new ProductIndex();

	$price = (isset($_GET['ProductIndex']['price'])) ? $_GET['ProductIndex']['price'] : array();


     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();

$criteria->with = 'pricing'; 

	 $criteria->together = true; 

	if ( $price[0] == 1 )


	$results = pricing::model()->findAll(array( 'condition'=>'price>=:price AND price <= :price1',

    'params'=>array(':price'=>0, ':price1'=>2000),));

	$values = array();

	foreach($results as $r) $values[] = $r->price;

	$criteria->addInCondition( 'pricing.price', $values ); 


$dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('ProductIndex',







how to solve this error.please suggest me.

thanks a lot.

Try this "if" condition

   public function actionIndex()



        if (isset($_GET['ProductIndex']['price']) && $price[0] == 1 )






thanks mbala …

u r solve my problem very easily…

thanks a lot.