Undefined Controller In Caction Class


i follow the wiki How to use a Widget as an Action Provider

in my view i have ajax calls that call to the action.

I want to return the response as an output of renderPartial() function, but my controller is undefined.

$output = $this->getController()->renderPartial('_filterwithManufacturer', array(), true, true);

is there anyway to initiate the controller?

should i passed it as a parameter?


Dear Friend

My conviction is that inside the view $this refers to the controller rather than action.

Then we have to make it like following.

$output = $this->renderPartial('_filterwithManufacturer', array(), true, true);

If we have doubt, we can verify that by calling the following in the view.

echo $this->id;



Thanks for your reply, i guess that i didn’t explain my self clearly.

I have a widget: businessesSearch

class BusinessesSearch extends CWidget


	public static function actions(){

		return array(

				// naming the action and pointing to the location

				// where the external action class is




and an action - buildAdditionalFilters:

class buildAdditionalFilters extends CAction 


	public function run()



	  $output = $this->getController()->renderPartial('_filterwithManufacturer', array(), true, true);

	  echo '{ "filters" : "'.  $output . '" }';  //JSON Syntax

	  return ;




and a controller which declares the action:

class BusinessesSearchController extends Controller


	public function actions()


		// return external action classes, e.g.:

		return array(





So, in my action i am trying to renderPartial a view.

the $this (i think) refers to CAction, and from few examples that i saw the getController() function suppose to return the controller, but it null.

any ideas?


Dear Fiend

I thought you are calling the following code

$output = $this->getController()->renderPartial();

inside the file _filterwithManufacturer.php..

That caused confusion…

Let us have one example.



class NewAction extends CAction


	public function run()


		echo $this->controller->renderPartial("testAction");






class NewWidget extends CWidget


	public static function actions()


		return array(







public function actions()


		return array(






echo "hello world";

echo "</br>";

echo $this->id;

echo "</br>";

echo $this->action->id;


Now the following url


outputs the following in browser window.

hello world



Ofcourse inside the CAction class, $this definetly refers to the action itself.

Thanks a lot for your detailed reply :)

the problem was that i didnt use the "run" function in the CAction, but added a new public function.

In this function the controller wasnt initialized.
