Uncommon use of RadioButtonList

I have something crazy like this in one of my forms:

generated from this code:

<div class="row">

	<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'link'); ?>

        <?php echo $form->radioButtonList($model,'link[s]', array(


                $form->dropDownList($model,'link[]', CHtml::listData(Page::model()->findAll(), 'url', 'title')),

              ), array('labelOptions' => array('style' => 'display: inline;'),)); ?>

	<?php echo $form->error($model,'link'); ?>


And I had to add this line in the controller:

$_POST['MenuItem']['link'] = $_POST['MenuItem']['link'][$_POST['MenuItem']['link']['s']];

So it looks like this:



	$_POST['MenuItem']['link'] = $_POST['MenuItem']['link'][$_POST['MenuItem']['link']['s']];





I want to use radio buttons to choose one of 2 ways of input for the ‘link’ field in my model.

If first radio button is checked, the value from the textField should be saved in a database.

And if second radio button is checked, the value from the radioButtonList should be saved in a database.

I also want the first radio button to be checked by default.

Is there any easier way to achieve this?

You may set the same name "link" for text field and dropdown list and on changing selected radio button set attribute "disabled" to text field or dropdown list (which is not belongs to selected radio button). In this case in $_POST you will have only the value of enabled element.