Unable to resolve the request "controller/action".

Hi all,

when I transfer my application to another server it woks but on one page it shows error like ,

Error 404

Unable to resolve the request "controller/action".

anyone had idea, why!!!

wooow ,

its resolved .

i used in my local and it working fine,


	array('label'=>'Create Leave', 'url'=>array("myleaves/create")),

but this not working on another ( live ) server.

then i used code as ,


	array('label'=>'Create Leave', 'url'=>array("myLeaves/create")),

and its working!!!

I just change myleaves to myLeaves and code working.

Can anyone tell why this happen!!!

I assume that one file-system is case-sensitive, and another is case-insensitive.

like Artem wrote… windows is case-insensitive… linux is case sensitive…