Two Parameters Passed In Ajax Update

I would like to pass two variables($crop_id and $date_id)as I click in ajax into my crtinfo.php(This will be the changing <div>). At first, $crop_id = 0 and $date_id=0 Then, as I click a crop link, it will only change $crop_id leaving date_id =0. When I click date button, it will only change $date_id, but the crop_id must remain the previous.

I have this codes:


        public function actionIndex()


		// renders the view file 'protected/views/site/index.php'

		// using the default layout 'protected/views/layouts/main.php'

		$data = array();



		$crops = Crop::model()->findAll();

		$view_crop = array();

		$fcropid = array();


		foreach($crops as $c)


			$view_crop[$y] = strtolower($c->crop_name);






		for($i=0, $n=1; $i<$crop_count; $i++, $n++)



			$view_crop[$i] = ucfirst($view_crop[$i]);

			$cropid = Crop::model()->find('crop_name = :cropId', array(

									':cropId' => $view_crop[$i]


			$fcropid[$i] = $cropid->crop_id;


		//$current = $fcropid[0];

        $data["crop_id"] = $fcropid[0];

		$current_crop = 0;

		$current_date = 0;


		$data["date_id"] = 0;


		$this->render('index', $data);


   	public function actionCrtinfo($crop_id, $date_id)



			$current_crop =$crop_id;

			$current_date = $date_id;


		//$current = $myValue;

		$data = array();

        $data["crop_id"] = $current_crop;


		$data["date_id"] = $current_date;

		// renders the view file crtInfo

		// using the default layout 'protected/views/layouts/main.php'

		$this->renderPartial('crtinfo', $data, false, true);


This is my index.php:

    //updates crop_id

    for($i=0, $n=1; $i<$crop_count; $i++, $n++)



		$view_crop[$i] = ucfirst($view_crop[$i]);

		$cropid = Crop::model()->find('crop_name = :cropId', array(

								':cropId' => $view_crop[$i]


		$fcropid[$i] = $cropid->crop_id;

		echo "&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp".CHtml::ajaxLink ("$view_crop[$i]",

                              array('site/crtinfo' , 'crop_id'=>$fcropid[$i], 'date_id'=> null), 

                              array('update' => '#data'))."<br/>";



//update the date

                $label = ["1m", "3m", "6m", "YTD"];

		$dat_mod = [0, 1, 2, 3];




			//echo $sdate[$at]." ".$edate[$at];

			echo "&nbsp".CHtml::ajaxButton ("$label[$at]",

                              array('site/crtinfo', 'crop_id'=>null, 'date_id'=>$dat_mod[$at]), 

                              array('update' => '#data'));

							  echo $at;


<div ="changeing data">

     $this->renderPartial('crtinfo', array('crop_id'=>$crop_id, 'date_id'=>$date_id));


Then the crtinfo.php


echo "Crop_id: $crop_id  ";

echo "Date_id: $date_id  ";

if ($crop_id != null)

    $current_crop = $crop_id;

if ($date_id != null)

    $current_date = $date_id;


echo "Cur_crop: $current_crop   ";

echo "Cur_date:$current_date   ";




In my codes, if I click crop, crop_Id is equal to the clicked while date_id will be equaled to null and vice versa. Is there anyway to pass two parameers here or is there something wrong with my code?

For short, I have two different ajax trigger, which leads to crtinfo.php which needs a crop_id and datez-id. When I click crop_ajaxtrigger, only crop_id will be updated, when I click date_ajaxtrigger, only date id must be updated