Two Modals And One Pagination

I want to display 5 entries from modal1 and 15 entries from modal2 and i want only one pagination that will control the navigation of these two modals, any idea please…?????


Just create two paginators with different settings.



But you shoud decide what to do if model2 (for example) has more pages than model1.

it’s easy I’ll limit the first modal to X and the second to x*3

thank you…

it doesn’t work because clinkpager takes only one pages variable and only the entries of the first modal get updated…another idea please with an example

Actually it takes any variable url=""[/url], but I thought you need one paginator with two different page sizes.

If you share the same ‘pageVar’ for the pagination, probably you can synchronize the pages of 2 grids using CGridView::ajaxUpdate.


$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(

	'id' => 'grid-one',

	'dataProvider' => $modelOne->search(),

	'ajaxUpdate' => 'grid-two',



$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(

	'id' => 'grid-two',

	'dataProvider' => $modelTwo->search(),

	'ajaxUpdate' => 'grid-one',


