Two Dropdownlists Depend On Other One Value


I have the following situation:

In a form i have three CActiveForm dropdownlists. When i select a value in the first, the other two must have their values updated according that selected value.

I can make the correct update to one of the dropdownlist but i don’t know how to do it to the second.

Any help?


That what you call dynamic dropdown. You will use AJAX in that situation. To make you learn fast I gonna post a piece of example here:

Here the VIEW:

echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'animals',array('0'=>'Dogs',



                                             array('prompt'=>'Select Filter',

                                                   'ajax' => array(

                                                   'type' => 'POST',

                                                   'url' => CController::createUrl('loadType'),

                                                   'update' => '#AnimalForm_type',

                                                   'data' => array('AnimalForm_animals'=>'js:this.value')


echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'type');

You will create a controller, automatically you can get the value of the 1st drop down list, then you can load the options inside the 2nd dropdownlist through the controller.

It is my problem too.

May I ask you to detail it more? Exactly on DropDownList’s OnChange event with ajax operations.


This solves the situation for the update of one dropdownlist, but not for the update simultaneously of two dropdownlist.


I exactly mean this part of code:


array('prompt'=>'Select Filter',

                                                   'ajax' => array(

                                                   'type' => 'POST',

                                                   'url' => CController::createUrl('loadType'),

                                                   'update' => '#AnimalForm_type',

                                                   'data' => array('AnimalForm_animals'=>'js:this.value')



I am completely geek for jquery ajax.

I thought it was only one dropdown will take effect when the first dropdown is changed. Maybe you can try to put an array in update.‘update’ => array("#AnimalForm_type1", “#AnimalForm_type2”). Something like that. If it doesn’t work. I will try to work on that.

Thanks :)

Thank you.

You’re welcome

Hello Shahcheraghi!

Which solution worked for you in second dropdownlist for the update?

Can you put here the complete solution to the Controller and View?


I need a dropDownList when its value change, the controller fetch some data to show the user about selected option by JQuery AJAX. So I my code is:

<div class="row">


    	echo $form->dropDownListRow($model, 'opal_id', OpalType::model()->getStoneTypes(), array(

        	'ajax' => array(

            	'type' => 'POST',

            	'url' => $this->createUrl('findOpal'),

            	'data' => array('opal_id' => 'js:this.value', 'YII_CSRF_TOKEN' => Yii::app()->request->getCsrfToken()),


            	'success' => 'function(data){

                	var bot = "<button data-dismiss=\"alert\" class=\"close\" type=\"button\">×</button>";

                	$("#opal").html("<div id=\"opal_detail\">"+data+"</div>");







The #opal id an empty div tag.

And in my controller the action is:

public function actionFindOpal() {


        	echo $this->renderPartial('/opal/view', array('model' => Opal::model()->findByPk($_POST['opal_id'])),true);

