Two Confirmations While Trying To Delete An Item


I’ve got a CRUD interface for one table. Deleting the item from the list view succeeds. Confirmation pops out and everything goes fine. It’s not default zii.CListView, but regular table:

<!-- views/vlan/list.php -->

echo CHtml::link('<i class="icon-remove3"></i>', '#',


		'submit'  => Y::url("/network/vlan/del", array("id" => $vlan->id)),

		'confirm' => "Are you sure you want to delete VLAN {$vlan-caption}?",

		'id'      => 'delete'.$vlan->id,

		'class'   => 'btn btn-link btn-icon btn-xs',

		'title'   => 'Delete',



<!-- controllers/VlanController.php -->

public function actionDel($id) {

	try {


		Yii::app()->user->setFlash('info', "VLAN $id successfully deleted");

	} catch(Exception $e) {

		Yii::app()->user->setFlash('danger', "Unable to delete VLAN $id");

		$this->redirect( Y::url('/network/vlan') );


	$this->redirect( Y::url('/network/vlan') );


But if I’m trying to delete the item from edit interface, i’ve got two confirmations in a row:

<!-- views/vlan/form.php -->

if( $this->action->Id == 'edit' ) {

	echo CHtml::button('Delete',


			'submit'  => Y::url("/network/vlan/del", array("id" => $model->id)),

			'confirm' => "Are you sure you want to delete this VLAN?",

			'id'      => 'delete'.$model->id,

			'class'   => 'btn btn-danger',




echo CHtml::submitButton('Save', array('class'=>'btn btn-primary'));

I’ve found the same thing on the second CRUD module, so it’s kinda systematic.

I tried to debug the JavaScript and found, that:

  • Page is not being reloaded after the first confirmation

  • submitForm() from jquery.yii.js is being called twice. As if $(f).trigger(‘submit’) fails on a first attempt.

  • I replaced it with





but no alert shows up. I tried to "step in" in the debugger, but sank in the depths of jQuery.

  • I disabled all custom scripts. No success.

I’d appreciate any advice how to deal with this weird behavior or any kind of workaround.

Yii: 1.1.14

jQuery: 1.8.3 (framework default) or 1.10.1 (custom mapped)


To exclude an issue with custom template and scripting, I’ve created a blank ‘webapp’ with basic functionality. There’s still two confirmations even for trivial application built from scratch for single table without any relations.


The issue was with form declaration.

The form with problem was declarated like:

$form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm',array(

	'focus'                => array($model, 'id'),

	'enableAjaxValidation' => true,

	'clientOptions'        => array(

		'validateOnSubmit' => true


	'htmlOptions'          => array(

		'class' => 'form-horizontal',

		'role'  => 'form'



Everything was fine before deleting current item from this page. The correct declaration must not contain validateOnSubmit:

$form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm',array(

	'focus'                => array($model, 'id'),

	'enableAjaxValidation' => true,

	'htmlOptions'          => array(

		'class' => 'form-horizontal',

		'role'  => 'form'



This is lack of deep understanding of form options and framework mechanics.

I simply love submitting the questions on forum and finding answer myself after a coffee break <_<