Twig Navbar Usage

Hi I can not found any documentation how I can add widget array options to twig property.

For example I want to use as this way but I think it is totally wrong, because nothing happened, no error and no navigation : ))

{{void(navBar.begin([ ...... options here ....... ]) ) }}

Same nav widget how can I add options (labels, items etc.)

{{Nav.widget([ ................options here ..............]) }}

I tried this too implement from yii1 twig usage.

{{ this.widget('navBar.begin',{


            		'brandLabel' : 'Website',

                        'brandUrl' : app.homeUrl,

                        'options' : [


                            {'class' : 'navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top'}



            },true)|raw }}


        {{ this.widget('Nav.widget',{


        			'options' :[


                                    {'class' : 'navbar-nav navbar-right'}

                                 ] ,

                		'items' : [


                                 		{'label' : 'AnaSayfa', 'url' : ['/site/index']},







Last I tried this nothing … Anyone help ?????

{% set Nav = NavBar.begin({


            'brandLabel' : 'Website',

                'brandUrl' : app.homeUrl,


                	'class' : 'navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top',


    	}) %}





                	'options' : {'class' : 'navbar-nav navbar-right'},




                        'label' : 'HomePage', 'url' : '/site/index',





        )| raw}}


        {{ NavBar.end() }}