Twig Extension Install Problem


I am newbie. I just installed yii and want to install twig-renderer extension. (I want to make templates work similar to symfony). But I have problems with installation:

I followed instructions at

  1. Created new app ‘testapp’

  2. Copied ETwigViewRenderer.php to ‘testapp\protected\vendor\Twig\ETwigViewRenderer.php’

  3. Copied all\Twig-master\lib\Twig\. files to ‘testapp\protected\vendor\Twig\’

  4. Modified testapp\protected\config\main.php, components section, so now it looks like

Now if open testapp in browser i get: Alias "ext.ETwigViewRenderer" is invalid. Make sure it points to an existing PHP file and the file is readable.

Where am i wrong?

I guess ‘ETwigViewRenderer.php’ can go to ‘testapp\protected\extensions\’ directory, previous error goes away, but then i get another error “Class ‘My_Twig_Extension’ not found in C:\wamp\www\yii\testapp\protected\extensions\ETwigViewRenderer.php on line 198”…

I also fail to use composer.

I get “error: pathspec ‘v1.1.4’ did not match any file(s) known to git.”

And i noticed that composer created ETwigViewRenderer.php in different place ‘testapp\protected\vendor\yiiext\twig-renderer\ETwigViewRenderer.php’ Why?