"trying To Get Property Of Non-Object" Error In My Crop

I have this line of code

$crop_id = $myValue; //myvalue is a value passed on by ajaxlink

echo $crop_id;

	$crop = Crop::model()->find('crop_id = :keyword', array(

						':keyword' => $crop_id


	$crop_name = $crop->crop_name;

It would output an error trying to get non property.

But if i tried this, it would work

   $crop_id = 30; //changed myvalue which was equated to 30 

echo $crop_id;

	$crop = Crop::model()->find('crop_id = :keyword', array(

						':keyword' => $crop_id


	$crop_name = $crop->crop_name;

What’s wrong with my passed value?

Where is the code where you populate $myValue?

If youre ajax is POST you have to use this:

if (isset($_POST["myValue"]))


Otherwise if youre ajax is GET use $_GET instead of $_POST.

if youre not sure try both

After these two lines:

$crop_id = $myValue; //myvalue is a value passed on by ajaxlink

echo 'Current crop: '.$crop_id;

die(); //add this line to stop script execution so you could see the printed out value

When you echo $crop_id the first time, what do you get? the correct id?

Casting to int may help
