Hi guys
Can anyone please tell me why i’m getting this error. This page working properly before this.
Error on this line (view.php)
indent: <td class="text-center">
<?php echo $project->aircraftType->name;?>
All my view page is not working today…anyone please help me…
Thank you in advance…
@fatinbahseis some of the $project
must not have aircraftType
. Make sure, all the $project
have proper aircraftType
. or you can check while displaying the data. like
<td class=“text-center”>
<?php if ($project->aircraftType) { ?>
<?php echo $project->aircraftType->name;?>
<?php } ?>
Thank you…its work for a moment and then error again…
This error:
syntax error, unexpected ‘endforeach’ (T_ENDFOREACH)
indent: <?php $i=1;
foreach ($model as $project):?>
<td class="text-center">
<?php if ($project->aircraftType) {?>
<?php echo $project->aircraftType->name;?>
Its okayy @imanilchaudhari…i get what i want…i just delete all the dummy data in my database…and enter new data…it work…thank you for syour sharing…i will use it for future improvement…
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