Trouble with behavior [Solved with extension update]

I’m trying to implement an extension that uses behaviors (which I am new to). The extension uploads, crops, and saves an image. I am able to upload an image and use the cropper tool, but the image doesn’t save. $image->save() triggers the EVENT_BEFORE_UPDATE event, which calls the upload method. However, the if statement fails because $this->attribute is empty. Why isn’t the model populating the behavior object?

# model

    public function behaviors()


        return [

            'image' => [

                'class' => CutterBehavior::className(),

                'attributes' => 'imagefile',

                'baseDir' => '/uploads/image',

                'basePath' => '@webroot',





class CutterBehavior extends \yii\behaviors\AttributeBehavior


    public function events()


        return [

            ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_INSERT => 'upload',

            ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_UPDATE => 'upload',

            ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE => 'delete',



    public function upload()


        if ($uploadImage = UploadedFile::getInstance($this->owner, $this->attribute)) {




# view

<?= $form->field($image, 'imagefile')->widget(\sadovojav\cutter\Cutter::className(), [


]); ?>

Problem solved. This ended up being an issue with the extension which was fixed with a later release than the one I installed from Packagist.