Triptapp is a place where you can share your travel experiences (places you visited, itinerary you followed, photos, suggestions) directly on a map. While this is great to organize and store your trips, in the meantime you allow others to know other parts of the World and find new travel ideas.
With ratings and comments for every trip, we find that this is a very authentic way to create travellers communities.
Triptapp is based on Yii and relies on a NoSql database, if you’d like to have other informations just ask.
It took about 8 months to build the entire system.
If you have time to give it a try and let us know what you think, that would be great!
Thank to the Yii community for such a great piece of code.
DId you use MongoDB or other NoSQL db? Have you used any extension for the db?
Any additional comments on usage of the db with your project will be appreciated.
And regarding suggestions, I’d suggested to improve blog’s look - as it just uses not adapted to your site wordpress theme. Also, there’s no clear link from the block back to the main web-site. The second suggestion is to show country name at articles sections and at article’s pages and to add Search By Country. And I’d hide index.php in urls - they looks redundant to me .
We use MongoDB as backend, with the yiimongodbsuite and directmongodbsuite (even if we use direct queries most of the time to keep things light).
For the moment we have a fairly basic setup for the database: indexes are in place, we try to keep a small number of collections and use the power of a noSql db.
I’m now trying to extract as much informations as I can from the database statistics to be ready for any problem.
We’re trying to see how things evolve before adding any new feature, but we are very happy to get feedback so we can add them to the new features’ “bucket”!
Search part will be the first to be improved I think
Well, directmongodbsuite is pretty straightforward, there’s not a structure that slows down the application and actually, you are writing direct queries using it: it makes simpler for you to connect and choose the collection, but the query are the same as in the php library.
Our main concern was to keep things light and being able to scale; when I say direct queries I mean without using YiiMongoDbSuite.
Keep in mind that we use it only to read and create cursor to use in the pages, not to write.
We prefer to use YiiMongoDBSuite to write and update Mongo, even if we’re exploring othere possibilities (not other extensions, just a lighter internal library).
I think MongoDb drivers are very solid, so you can use them directly.
Thank you Michael for your compliments, I really appreciate them.
We don’t use so many extensions actually.
We use YiiMongoDBSuite and DirectMongoSuite for the database and a highly customized version of eauth/eoauth for social login, the rest is self-made code