I am glad today to present our redesigned travel lead generation platform (Travel Buddy Africa), converted from the Joomla Platform, to Yii Framework. We aim to connect discerning travelers to the most reliable, efficient and cost effective operators in Africa. We are 70% done and mostly the biggest chunk remain is content and some backend stuff.
what i have been trying to achieve for years with CMS platform i have accomplished in a few weeks with Yii Framework.
You can preview our travel portal here http://www.travelbuddyafrica.com I would love to you’re your opinion and feedback good or bad. As mentioned some section are incomplete – work in progress but if you get serious bugs and issues. Kindly contact us on fb@travelbuddyafrica.com
I would also love great pointers on how to improve or ideas on what works best.
Thank you very much in advance!
I love Yii