I am a developer from the Netherlands and most pages I create are translated to Dutch.
Generation of CRUD pages works great and saves a lot of time. The only thing is that I have to manually translate all the texts that are generated with the pages. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to use Yii:t() in the generated pages, so it is possible to use the messages shell command to get all the texts in one message file and translate them, without having to translate all the messages on the pages self.
If there are other solutions for this, then I apologize for putting this in the request forum!
Take a look at iCrud in the extension library. I think this is what you need.
Basically you make a new class that extends from one of the Command-classes (eg. framework/cli/commands/shell/CrudCommand) and then you provide your own template directory which contains all files which will be generated.
Then when running the shell, you will run your own command. And your customized files will be created in your app.