Translated messages

[b]Hi every one,

I’m just wondering if some one already translated the messages/yii.php which will translate the core messages (i.e. Validtion, Error,…)



as i know there is no Arabic translation for the core messages (yii.php / zii.php)

these two files are not big, if you found what you need please share it with us so i can verify it and open a new ticket to add the Arabic lang to the framework releases

i am planning nowadays to translate these core messages … but i really cannot find any resources for Arabic translating that follow the standards.

UPDATE: there is no new tickets needed since Qiang published a project in google code (yiidoc) for this propose … so if you are interested let me know so we can help others and accomplish this.

Sounds Good

I’m more than happy to support

nice to hear that BlueFire ,

then keep tuned here or check your email frequently because i am now managing to launch a mechanism to translate whole Yii framework.

i really need you and others effort to accomplish this.

I am in

Hello guys, did you finish working on the Arabic yii.php file?

can you please share it with us?

حياك الله علاء

لم تكتمل ترجمتة … وماأدري اذا كان بعض الاخوان اكلمو تعريبة ام لا … تأخرت كثيرا في اطلاق شروع الترجمة بسبب بعض الضروف التي مررت بها وان شاء الله بحاول اكمل بعض الجزئيات في مشروع التعريب ثم ارفعه اون لاين حتى يشارك الكل في التعريب

اعتذر لكم مرة ثانية

You can translate the error messages by a simple statement

public function rules() {

        // NOTE: you should only define rules for those attributes that

        // will receive user inputs.

        return array(

            array('ID', 'numerical', 'integerOnly' => true, 'message' => '{attribute} لا يقبل إلا أرقام'),

[size=2]        );[/size]


Or you can use

public function rules() {

        // NOTE: you should only define rules for those attributes that

        // will receive user inputs.

        return array(

            array('ID', 'numerical', 'integerOnly' => true, 'message' => Yii::app()->t('default', 'errMsgIndex')),

[size=2]        );[/size]


[rtl] [size="2"]مشاركة جميلة، طبعا هذه طريقة تخصيص نص لرسائل الخطأ في مايخص التحقق من صحة المدخلات من قبل المستخدم في النماذج[/size]

[size="2"]Validation rules[/size]

اما رسائل الخطأ الافتراضية لنواه Yii فهي بترجمة الملفين yii.php و zii.php[/rtl]

I should have kept reading – I will watch this thread for updates, thank you for the work that you are doing.