Translate Mysql To Yii

If this mysql statement is

$price = mysql_query("SELECT price FROM price where crop_Id = $cropId");

In Yii

$price=Price::model()->find(‘crop_id = :cropId’, array(

					':cropId' => $cropId

					) );

What about

$price = mysql_query("SELECT price FROM price where crop_Id = $cropId ORDER BY entry_id DESC");? how to write it in yii?

You can pass CDbCriteria to find() or use associative array, like this

Price::model()->find(array('condition' => '...', 'order'=>'entryId DESC'), ...)

I have this current code now

$price=Price::model()->find(array(‘condition’ => ‘crop_id = :cropId’, array(

					':cropId' => $cropId), 'order'=>'entry_id DESC'));

Property "CDbCriteria.0" is not defined.

Got the problem: used this insteaad

$price=Price::model()->findAll('crop_id = :cropId', array(

						':cropId' => $cropId


$view_price = array();


							foreach($price as $c)


								$view_price[$y] = strtolower($c->entry_id);



						$view_max = count($view_price) - 1;

						$latest = $view_price[$view_max];

						$price=Price::model()->find('entry_id = :latest', array(':latest' => $latest));

Thank you for the help:)