Traffic of in 2010 and 2011

Below is the Google analytics result of in year 2010 and 2011. It seems the popularity of Yii is gaining momentum. We will do our best to keep this momentum. Thank you all for your support!



Russia really loves Yii :D

Such a growth is very promising.


Yep. I’m doing my best to support Russian Yii community providing up-to-date docs and stuff. Also it seems conferences I’ve visited in 2010 helped to spread a word about Yii.

Congratulation Mr qiang, Yii is greate.


Yii is a very growing framework and community and the people is realizing that. :)

great. In fact, Yes It Is

It would be interesting to see statistics for 2011.

I thought the very same thing. Please post one for 2011 as well :slight_smile:

Just uploaded the 2011 chart. Enjoy…