If someone go through the Agile web Application Development with Yii 1.1…Pls help me about this matter…In page 210 befoer the topic "PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER" there is some change I ve to do in show.php file…but there are no any show.php and if it means view.php then can someone tell how do I do this change???
Typo: Page 210 -
In the 3rd paragraph down, it refers to the view file as show.php but should be view.php.
Code/Yii version mismatch: Page 210 - The example 1/2 way down the page of creating the link is not consistent with the other menu items. It should be:
$this->menu[] = array('label'=>'Add User To Project', 'url'=>array('adduser', 'id'=>$model->i