Tourism Eastern Townships Official Website
English version:
French version:
We just developed and launched the new official website for Tourism Eastern Townships, a non-profit organization to foster the development and promotion of regional tourism products in Quebec and international markets.
The site is a complete rewrite of an existing old site. It is built on Yii and MySQL. The development of this site has resulted in several components now becoming part of the Yii framework (e.g. CBreadcrumb, CModelView).
Below are some facts of this site:
Lines of source code (not including 3rd party code): ~80,000
DB tables: ~100
Data models: ~100
Views: ~500
Controllers: ~100
Widgets: ~50
Commands: ~10
The site is in two languages: English and French. It includes both a front end and a back end. The back end is accessible only to the privileged users, which is controlled via a simplified RBAC implementation. We also used extensively the code generation tool to finish a large portion of the back-end code.
Overall, the development process was very smooth. We have three developers, one designer, and one knowledgeable web administrator working together on this project. All communications among the team were via email, basecamp, messenger and phone. We use SVN to do revision control, and we use basecamp to discuss and keep track of the progress.