Total fresher in PHP frameworks and Yii, I don't understand tutorials


Keep em going… just hope that you will publish/update with even more examples… I find Yii difficult to grasp due to a lot conventions and built in functionality. I understand that these kind of tools are necessary for real programming but they just not very helpful for learning.

I would like to see more tutorials similar to CodeIgnitor… which (for me ) is best for MVC learning but not so great for productivity, due to the lack of tools like gii.

Also, it would be nice to have step - by -step tutorials, without using gii in order to have better understanding what actually this tool does.


I am back and preparing version 07 !! (see PDF in the first post)

… Will add a few clever things about models, scopes, "with" statement etc…

I will of course reflect everything you mentioned in your posts


When can we expect to have a look at the 07 doc ? :)

wow rackycz, it helped me…as u actually write it more friendly…

thanks this will may help to the newbie of Yii…

Version 7 available! :D (see the first post)

Thank you! I appreciate what you’ve made :)

Thanks a lot for the knowledge sharing! Helps to clarify some concept and ideas.

Really good input to the community! I’ve also found the framework complicated and not as intuitive as others.

Thanks a lot, great work.

Quang and team made writing docs a very beurocratic and unclear process that an author needs to get through.

Unfortunately my offer of separating tutorial from the main yii dev process was declined.

I wrote some articles, committed one, and realized how confusing and difficult it is.

Yii has no docs and not sure if it really will. They made it really problematic.

I will procceed committing, but it’s a pain in the neck to do this.

You have the wiki, every one can add to there something

Yii has amazing docs, maybe you just not mature to understand how good they are

thank you so much rackycz

Awesome read, very good for anyone getting into Yii :)

Something does not work to find a feedback form or contact page , I apologize if there is not written. And tell me can credit .

you should buy the cookbook

I think most frameworks lack a solid cookbook, how is yii’s compared to say symfonys?

Hi. The most up to date version is still on Wiki, but I am pasting here the "offline" PDF version of Wiki.

Thank you !!!

brilliant thank you so much


Really great.

I am also new to Yii, coming from the Codeigniter community, and i’m starting something like you have done here.

Well, as English is not my primary language, my own version of simple User Guide will maybe be first in french (for a start, i’ll see for translations).

The thing i’m about to attempt, is an explicit User Guide, on that model (click on table of contents on the top of the page) , especially focusing on pragmatic points and actions we have to deal with, and examples of available commands, what it will look like, what goes in the model, controller or view … and all variables we can use.

When i’m reading the official yii doc, it lacks of real implementation examples.

Gonna be a tough work, but i’ll dive into it to explore and learn from examples and keep track of what we can really do and how.

I’ll attempt to make it english and put it on a wiki for corrections, what make CI easy for new users is the syntax (almost a template style) but the simple and clear documentation helps a lot … Yii deserve that too !

Thank you Rackycz for your doc, that’s a great path to follow, the point per point explained.
