Total fresher in PHP frameworks and Yii, I don't understand tutorials

Reading through the Definitive Guide seemed to be more than enough for me. I’m a person that likes to deploy the skeleton and start breaking and changing stuff to see how it works.

I generally only check documentation to find proper ways of implementing (to avoid reinventing the wheel) or if I am confused about an API.

The complete idiots guide to Yii was very useful, I also learned and installed

mysqlbench which seems a lot better than the phpmyadmin, thanks. :D

Thanks for your effort, rackycz.

thanks so much im newbie to in YII !! this tutorial help me so much !! THANKs !

dear rackycz, thanks a lot.

about your 2nd update, the link to video doesn’t work, can you give me a tip on where i can find it?


Thanks Rac, Im in the process of Updating my 1st Website , this helps a lot.


If you’re looking for the screencasts:

Great tutorial !

Thank you

Thanks rackycz!

Every beginner should this topic

How to make that TheSimpliestYiiApplication work?

Nice effort

You can include condifuring gii, so that you don’t need to use command line to generate models, controllers.

it is just uncommenting the gii module in config/main.php





and then access the following URL


Don’t know if you’re still here, but this is fantastic it answered my ajax questions

Thank you :) I’m glad that I made something usefull :)


Keep em going… just hope that you will publish/update with even more examples… I find Yii difficult to grasp due to a lot conventions and built in functionality. I understand that these kind of tools are necessary for real programming but they just not very helpful for learning.

I would like to see more tutorials similar to CodeIgnitor… which (for me ) is best for MVC learning but not so great for productivity, due to the lack of tools like gii.

Also, it would be nice to have step - by -step tutorials, without using gii in order to have better understanding what actually this tool does.


I am back and preparing version 07 !! (see PDF in the first post)

… Will add a few clever things about models, scopes, "with" statement etc…

I will of course reflect everything you mentioned in your posts


When can we expect to have a look at the 07 doc ? :)

wow rackycz, it helped me…as u actually write it more friendly…

thanks this will may help to the newbie of Yii…

Version 7 available! :D (see the first post)

Thank you! I appreciate what you’ve made :)

Thanks a lot for the knowledge sharing! Helps to clarify some concept and ideas.